The African Art in Venice Forum (AAVF) is a public and free discursive platform presented every two years in Venice, Italy during the opening week of the Biennale Internazionale dell’Arte di Venezia.
The event provides new opportunities to discover, learn, discuss, explore, and exchange topics and projects related to contemporary art from Africa and its diasporas.
The AAVF 2024 is presented by African Art Dialogues
in collaboration with Strauss & Co and Africa No Filter
We are delighted to announce, together with Strauss & Co and Africa No Filter, the African Art in Venice Forum 2024
We will be hosting the forum on Tuesday, April 16th
at the
Hotel Monaco and Grand Canal, Venice
This year's exciting program
As in our past editions, we are committed to promoting meaningful dialogue around Modern and Contemporary African Art and providing a base for a multiplicity of voices from across the continent.
#AAVF2024 #inclusivedialoguematters #africancontemporaryart
#africanmodernism #biennaledivenezia #venicebiennale @straussandco @africanofilter
Great News! Thanks to the generous contribution of Ignite Culture, ACP, European Union Culture and Creativity, HEVA Fund, and British Council, we will be able to stream live and record the sessions of this year's AAVF
Click here to access the live-streaming
Here you can see the recording of the wrap-up event of our days in Venice in 2022 at Fowler Museum at UCLA

Key features of AAVF
Discursive design centered on interactive formats and workshops
Lounge space with a dedicated space for conversations, readings, and networking
A digital platform to live-stream and present all content on an open virtual Forum
Network of international screening sites to expand the community
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